
I read and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
Chinese Proverb

Timely reflections improve learning outcomes

All the classroom theory in the world is never going to stack up against experience in the field or on the job. Real learning comes from having the opportunity to try out a new skill,  to reflect on the experience, and even better combine it with feedback from observing seniors and peers. To capture these reflections and feedback requires a learning journal or the more common term in medical or healthcare – the trainee logbook.

These days a basic requirement for any trainee logbook is that it has to accessible from mobile devices, so that it can capture the experience, the reflections, and the feedback closer to the source. This 2018 article in the Australian Medical Journal 1 goes some way to explaining what makes a good trainee logbook, but what else does should be considered:

  • The logbook has to be simple – if we make the process of entering the data too cumbersome, the quality of thought and reflection will drop;
  • The logbook has to be accessible – there is probably little value trying to reflect on a recent learning experience if days or weeks have passed, so having the logbook accessible on different devices is mandatory;
  • The logbook has to be secure – the information in the logbook can often contain commercially sensitive or even patient sensitive data, so having the data stored in a safe system will give everyone confidence that confidentiality will be observed;
  • The logbook has to be flexible – when training board or authority change the standards, then the logbook needs to adjust to the new standard without destroying or making the old data usable;
  • The logbook has to have reports – the trainee needs to see their progress, the supervisor needs to assess future ‘learning opportunities’ and the educational administrator needs to see how the overall program is progress; and
  • And there needs to be a review or approval workflow– the trainee the traditional hassle of having to print, submit and have their supervisor approve the journal.

“the most powerful learning happens when students self-monitor, or reflect” 2

The search for the perfect trainee logbook should also go beyond these basic requirements and into the world of one system for data entry that serves many purposes for the health practitioner or learner:

  1. The logbook evolves into the professional diary that supports Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  2. The logbook extends its functionality and becomes the billing system for the health professional.
  3. The logbook is the single point of entry for audit systems, be that mortality and morbidity audits.

All of these requirements are achievable today, and will make a difference to the healthcare professional of tomorrow.

Andrew Parker
VP Customer Solutions


1 A Critical review of surgical logbook applications for the android and iOS platforms in the Australian setting – Ahmadi, Sritharan and  Aruliah;Australian Medical Journal, https://www.amj.net.au/index.php/AMJ/article/viewFile/3354/1658
2 Best Practice, Bringing Standards to Life in America’s Classroom – Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde  https://www.heinemann.com/products/e04354.aspx

Learn more about Elumina’s online assessment authoring here: Assessment Authoring

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